Salerno Airport Regulations, as established by the airport management company and adopted by the airport ENAC office in a specific ordinance, is the primary instrument of airport regulation
Through a series of disciplines and procedures, the various parties operating at Salerno – Costa d’Amalfi Airport have precise indications as to operative procedures and instruments necessary to ensure the proper execution, in safety and security, of airport activities in full compliance with established service quality standards.
Specifically, the regulations indicate the obligations assumed by the various parties operating in the airport towards the airport management company, ENAC and customers, the basic conditions for providing various services and, concurrently define the operative sanctions and assessment procedures for infractions.
The Airport Manual is drawn up in compliance with EU Regulation 139/2014 and the related AMCs issued by EASA and reflects the Certification Basis and the requirements listed in the Certification Specification and the Organisation and Operation Requirements sections (Annex III and IV of EU Regulation 139/2014).
The Manual contains or refers to all the information necessary for the safe use, operation and maintenance of the Airport and its equipment, as well as the obstacle limitation and protection surfaces and other related areas.
The Manual consists of a collection of information, documents, plans and procedures aimed at representing the characteristics of GESAC's airside infrastructures, operations and organisation.
The Manual constitutes the reference for all personnel, both of the Airport Management Company and of the other public and private airport subjects, who must compulsorily comply with what is indicated therein when carrying out their tasks, in order to guarantee the operation of the airport, with reference to operational safety.
The Airport Manual consists of the following parts:
Part A (Sections 0 and 1): General Provisions;
Part B (Sections 2 and 3): Airport management system and personnel qualification and training requirements;
Part C (Sect. 4): Airport characteristics;
Part D (Sections 5 and 6): Airport information to be reported in the AIP;
Part E (Sec. 7 to Sec. 32): Airport operating procedures, equipment and safety measures.
All the information/data acquired and/or referred to in the Manual, which can also be traced back to parties other than the Airport Management Company, are processed in compliance with the privacy regulations in force. For services not provided directly by the Airport Management Company at Salerno Airport, GESAC has signed specific agreements which define the competences and responsibilities respectively of the Airport Management Company and of third parties who provide these services, as well as the control procedures of the Airport Management Company to guarantee compliance with the essential requirements established by the Regulation.