Passengers feedback are a precious tool for improving the quality of our services.
You can contact us:
• Filling in the online form
• By mail to the address Feedback Management - Uffici Direzionali GESAC - Aeroporto di Capodichino 80144 Napoli – Italy
In accordance with article 13 of GDPR, Gesac S.p.A., Aeroporto di Capodichino Napoli, as the personal data controller, informs that, through this form, will process your personal data treating it in compliance with GDPR and with the Privacy Notice available on Gesac S.p.A. does not manage all airport services. Therefore, in order to forward your feedback to the responsible compamy/airport operator, it is necessary to click "YES" box. Gesac informs you that, without your consent to transfer personal data, your feedback cannot be processed.
YES NOI authorize GE.S.A.C. SpA to transfer my personal data to the interested parties exclusively
for the purposes related to the present fedback.